warning: in the working copy of '.gitattributes', LF will be replaced by CRLF the next time Git touches it warning: in the working copy of '.gitignore', LF will be replaced by CRLF the next time Git touches it warning: in the working copy of '.prettierrc', LF will be replaced by CRLF the next time Git touches it warning: in the working copy of 'common.props', LF will be replaced by CRLF the next time Git touches it warning: in the working copy of 'Directory.Build.props', 

The warnings you’re seeing are related to line ending differences between Unix-based systems (LF) and Windows (CRLF). Git is warning you that it will convert LF to CRLF when you check out these files. This is usually not a problem unless you’re working on a project where line endings are important.

To suppress these warnings, you can set the core.autocrlf option to true if you’re on Windows, or input if you’re on a Unix-based system. This can be done by running the following command in your terminal:

# For Windows
git config --global core.autocrlf true

# For Unix-based systems
git config --global core.autocrlf input

The error you’re seeing is because the file path is too long for Git to handle. This is a limitation of the underlying file system. To resolve this, you can enable long paths in Git by running the following command in your terminal:

git config --system core.longpaths true

This will allow file paths of up to 4096 characters.