To route specific IP addresses through the VPN, you can add route directives to your OpenVPN configuration file (.ovpn). The route directive tells OpenVPN to route the specified IP address through the VPN.

Here’s an example of how to add a route for a single IP address:


In this example, replace with the IP address you want to route through the VPN. The is the subnet mask, which specifies a single IP address in this case.

Add this line to your .ovpn file, save the file, and then reconnect to the VPN for the changes to take effect.

If you want to route all network traffic through the VPN, you can add the redirect-gateway directive to your OpenVPN configuration file (.ovpn).

Here’s how to do it:

redirect-gateway def1

The redirect-gateway def1 directive tells OpenVPN to redirect all network traffic through the VPN while the session is active.

Add this line to your .ovpn file, save the file, and then reconnect to the VPN for the changes to take effect.

Please note that this might require additional configuration on the VPN server to allow the client to access the internet through the VPN. Also, your VPN server needs to be configured to handle the client’s outgoing traffic.