PowerShell is a versatile scripting language on Windows that enables you to perform a wide range of tasks efficiently. Here are some common tasks, including copying files based on filename patterns, that you can easily accomplish with PowerShell:

1. Copying Files Based on Filename Patterns:

  • Copy files from one location to another based on a specific filename pattern.
Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Source" -Filter "*pattern*" | Copy-Item -Destination "C:\Destination" -Force

2. Renaming Files in Bulk:

  • Rename files in bulk using a pattern or specific criteria.
Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Files" | ForEach-Object {Rename-Item $_.FullName -NewName $('NewPrefix' + $_.Name)}

3. Searching for Files:

  • Search for files in a directory based on various criteria.
Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\SearchDirectory" -Recurse -Include "*.txt" | Where-Object { $_.Length -gt 1024 } | Select-Object FullName

4. Deleting Files:

  • Delete files based on certain conditions.
Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\ToDelete" -Filter "*pattern*" | Remove-Item -Force

5. Creating and Modifying Text Files:

  • Create or modify text files.

6. Managing Services:

  • Start, stop, or restart services.
Stop-Service -Name "ServiceName"

7. Working with the Registry:

  • Read, modify, or create registry keys/values.
Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Example" | Select-Object Property1, Property2

8. Managing Scheduled Tasks:

  • Create, modify, or remove scheduled tasks.
Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "TaskName" | Disable-ScheduledTask

9. Network Tasks:

  • Ping a remote server, test network connectivity, or perform other network-related tasks.
Test-Connection -ComputerName "RemoteServer"

10. Working with Active Directory:

  • Retrieve information from Active Directory or perform user management tasks.
Get-ADUser -Filter {Surname -eq "Smith"} | Select-Object Name, SamAccountName

These are just a few examples of what you can do with PowerShell. The language is powerful and well-suited for automation and system administration tasks on Windows platforms. Remember to exercise caution, especially when dealing with file operations or system settings, and thoroughly test your scripts before deploying them in a production environment.